This sounds like it would be cool. But its total crap. Guitar Hero played by kicking soccer balls on wall buttons. Synchronicity is completely and totally off. Wow. Found an even bigger mess.
Love Fall
I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to get my hands on some fucking gourds and arrange them in a horn-shaped basket on my dining room table. That shit is going to look so seasonal. I’m about to head up to the attic right now to find that wicker fucker, dust it off,… Continue reading
Call Tyrone to come get yo sH*t
My snarky friend Nathan sent this to me today. Subject line: I thought of you Its absolutely a compliment that you thought of me when you watched this. Much like the Sarah Brightman incident. Warms my heart.
Uniqlo – Please come to SF
Your demographic is here. We’re dying for you. I’ve spent 10 minutes browsing through your Parka 1000 Tokyo Fashion Map (which is so friggin adorable) and I want everything.
Helen never reads my blog
And honestly I should be offended. But now I know i can just post embarrassing shit about her and she won’t care because…well frankly she don’t know. Well. Actually she doesn’t have ego crushing stories like mine…she actually was and always is quite cool. I mean look at that oh so grungy coat. That’s like… Continue reading
Flickr’s People in this Photo tags
Oh great. I gets to tag all my friends all over again.
Bon Jovi
My friend Jackie was kind enough to get us into Inside the Actor’s Studio with Bon Jovi. 2.5 hours into the interview and we were only halfway through the blue cards. RIDICULOUS. Good interview, Jon’s got great hair, Richie doesn’t seem like a tool at all, James Lipton looked weird. They played basically every big… Continue reading
Pete = Connor
Whenever I see Helen I have several a-ha moments. They’re never brilliant things like I figure out some major existentialist theory but its important details of life that I should have known but never are clear to me until she points them out. This moment happened this evening at Otto Enoteca. Helen: You know Pete… Continue reading
Fan Porn
You know you want it.
The Hills
I keep watching it hoping that at some point a person of color is going to appear. At some point, one of these “characters” is going to have an affair with some sassy Latina girl who’s going to bitch slap someone else. It has to happen right?