Since I’m on this whole Dead Can Dance kick I checked out 4AD’s website to see what melancholy offerings are available. I find their wheel o’ music very addictive. It makes cute sounds. It looks rickity. I likes it.
Song for Jesse
I am not a Nick Cave fan at all but this song is so friggin good. It feels like it should be in a David Lynch film.
The Scarecrow
Living in a house is great. It really is. But you get to experience things that people who live in gorgeous lofts or condos in the city never have the pleasure of enduring. Like raccoons. We have a raccoon problem. They like to come into our yard, rip up the grass and eat the grubs… Continue reading
You’re Beautiful
Yes that is the poster for one of the more popular Korean comedies available. And yes the other name for this show is: You’re Handsome, It’s Handsome Boy. It feels like Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night with the cross dressing but that’s not the part that perplexes me. I just don’t get why girls think these teen… Continue reading
Yet another game to make us look like tools
Of course I want DJ Hero. However, I don’t get the fascination why people want to look like DJs. You pretty much are sitting there, with huge headphones rocking your head back and forth, biting your lip when you hit that great mark. Not that much difference from listening to Chemical Brothers while coding your… Continue reading
Lady Gaga
I’m not a huge fan of Lady Gaga but I do like her style. Is it wrong that I wish these were real headphones that I could buy at the Apple store today? Oh dear. I can actually pre-order these bad boys. Her video for Bad Romance is just sensory overload. Choregraphy is bit dorky… Continue reading
Clash of the Titans
Thanks Richard for pointing out what could be a royal mess: I love love loved the 1981 version. I was super into mythology and this movie just exploited everything that was awesome about these stories. Harry Hamlin rocking wavy hair as Perseus. Calibos getting totally reamed. And the owl. Loved the damn owl. If the… Continue reading
Thank you for your patience
Creed is being very patient with my fascination with all things New Moon. I’m a sucker for a guy with a pompadour. I’m pretty sure it’s because Pattinson reminds me of Morrissey. And since they’re both gay (asexual, unverified bisexual…we will never know until the Twilight machine is done) he feels no real threat. Things… Continue reading
Mom didn’t allow my brother and I to watch tv on weekdays. This was just a set rule. But easily broken since she worked the late shift at the hospital. Which meant we could watch anything we wanted from 3pm-11pm at night. Not a good idea for an 11-year-old. Especially when you watch scenes like… Continue reading
Everyone of these hats is a piece of art. Just gorgeous.