Did a search of Fernando and Greg on iTunes to see if one could download their short-lived podcasts (they do by the way) and this is what comes up. Hmmmm.
Pentagram Calendars
No, not the devil calendar. But the super awesome calendar that KenKnight.com puts out is available. There’s something really comforting about having a super huge Helvetica 65 Medium font staring you in the face all day.
CIA Tricks During the Cold War
The Boston Globe breaks down a few of the illusions that the CIA used. This one I tend to use alot.
Thanks Amazon for $3
You just allowed me to buy this song without feeling guilty at all. Never thought you could make wind chimes sound all ghetto. Add MP34FREE to your amazon account and you get a $3 credit.
Damn you Gwyneth
I don’t want to admit to reading Gwyneth’s website but I do. And now
Why I don’t buy books at bookstores anymore
There are many reasons why I have a strong aversion to buying in real time. It could be the unhealthy compulsion to want to alphabetize the shelves when I see things are not in order. The full retail prices are another strong reason. There’s always some creepy dude in the manga section. But really the… Continue reading
Pieces of April
My favorite Thanksgiving movie is on Hulu through November 30. Katie Holmes before she got sucked into the Scientology machine.
The Cullen House
Oh yes. The Cullen house is on the market for $3.3 million. Perfect timing for Xmas.
Beggin for Pink Eye
Seriously. The amount of makeup she’s putting near her eye is just freaking me out. Skip to 0:44…..or watch the ethereal space video. It’s lovely.
Start the Epileptic Seizures Now
Sorry Richard. If you thought Lady Gaga’s video was going to send you into a seizure, this one isn’t going to help. Jen: Choreography is completely and totally doable. It’s like she dumbed down her moves. Kind of sad but pretty colors:) And that first outfit is definitely not chilli-cheese fry friendly. Homage to Reservoir… Continue reading