This is both super creepy and beautiful at the same time. The music and the sweetness of everything made me wonder when the true nefarious nature would hit. It just creeped me out. Alma from Rodrigo Blaas on Vimeo. And now I have a hankering for a pink puffer vest. Swear to god…all you need… Continue reading
Opposite Ends of the Spectrum
Yeah. “You’re The Best Around” describes this picture perfectly.
I’m a Kick Ass Mofo Owl
Recently I was asked if I thought of myself as a dove, eagle, peacock or owl. Before I even saw this video I knew my answer would be owl. This just reinforces it. And according to Myers-Briggs and other personality tests, I’m an introverted follower. WTF is that all about?!!!
Iron Man II
If I was Terence Howard I’d be pissed that I wasn’t in this movie. Looks glorious.
No we’re not getting a Christmas tree
Don’t get me wrong. I’m in the spirit. Peace and good will towards all men and women. And pie. Everyone should have pie during Xmas. But no Xmas tree for me. If I can find a decent Santa lamp that would work. But trees just involve so much work. And since every plant I’ve owned… Continue reading
How I’d dress my kid
that is if I ever had a kid…. From Julia Siegal
David Lynch’s Return of the Jedi
Can you imagine if he really did direct Return of the Jedi? I love Lynch but Dune was not good. No. Not good. Thankfully he declined.
Grinch Moment
To the lady who works two doors down from me…no one wants to hear your Xmas tunes blast from your office. Lord, I feel like I’m working at Bookstar where we were forced to hear Xmas tunes on the Muzak machine from November-December. Turning my Pandora up higher.
Swell Season’s Low Rising
Been listening to their latest album Strict Joy pretty much since it came out. If you’re into moody, melancholy songs…this is absolutely your cup of tea. Strict Joy includes a live version of Say It To Me Now (my absolute favorite from that movie) but honestly its not as good as the original.
False Friends
At first I thought this had something to do with Donnie Darko but after reading more it has a whole other story. For approx USD$560 this awesomness could be yours.