Here is Richard and I looking normal. But here we are looking all dewy and glowy. I love my Casio Exilim EX-S12.
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The Smiths … Complete
Oh my lord yes. All LPs are now available on iTunes. But it seems to be only UK for now. Boooo.
The Thing
The 1982 version of The Thing is one of my favorite movies of all time. So I’m not looking forward to the 2011 version I’m all into girl power and the idea that this actress could somehow add a “Ripley-esque” feel to the story is interesting. But she’s no Kurt Russell. Look at him. Total…. Continue reading
Sometimes things are just frustrating
Nicholas Higgins from North and South = John Bates from Downton Abbey = Brendan Coyle
Last night I started watching North and South because I was in the mood for something british, I’ve already watched Sherlock like 12 times, and The Guild Season 5 wasn’t available since we don’t have an Xbox. And North and South so far is providing all that is needed. Women in huge gowns that involve… Continue reading
Dustin O’Halloran – We Move Lightly – Remixed
Jolene Combs
Jolene Combs, a beloved journalism professor at El Camino College, died this week. My condolences to her family as I’m sure it’s a very dark time. I hope they take comfort in knowing that she meant the world to so many students who were lucky enough to take her class. That’s JC on the far… Continue reading
Janie Taylor for Chloé
love watching this. Janie Taylor for Chloé on
Toms and Chinese Kung Fu Shoes
Seriously what is the difference between these two shoes? I see so many people wearing Toms and I just don’t get it. They’re vegan. So are the Chinatown versions. Toms come in an assortment of colors and styles. So do the Chinese ones AND they have Mary Jane style in a variety of colors. Tell… Continue reading
Daniel Radcliffe is not Elijah Wood. And Matthew Lewis is not Clive Owen.
I think it’s due to my old age I’m starting to mix up people. I had this problem with Amy Adams and Isla Fisher and I’m starting to have this problem with these dudes. But look at them. They’re all starting to look the same. Daniel Radcliffe Not Daniel Radcliffe Neville Longbottom Neville… Continue reading