Date Archives → August 2009
No. No. Absolutely Not.
Um no .
Too Cool for School
Kid Robot just sent me an email with this picture detailing their fall collection. This is what I imagine the photo planning session was like: Project Lead: I want jeans and hoodies. Lots of jeans and hoodies Designer: Um ok. Project Lead: And a jaunty tie. And I want to appeal to both the urban… Continue reading
Asimo’s Competition
I saw Asimo a few years ago and it was really amazing. It honestly felt like there was a small child in the machine but its all robot. This robot made by Toyota is equally amazing and slightly faster.
Dyson’s Fountain
James Dyson, yep the same one who made my vacuum… …made a wrong way fountain and I wish to god someone took a video of it because I’m sure its quite cool. Found this on Neatorama
Bye Blogger, You Suck – Hello WP :)
I’ve tried converting multiple times but today was the first time everything worked seamlessly. And the reason for that can be summed up in 4 simple words: Dreamhost One-Click Install I had to look up some instructions how to do the import and export but overall it was easy. Just made a bunch of dumb… Continue reading
Go Team Edward!
Thanks Nordstrom for guaranteeing a truly horrifying nostalgic moment. Once these girls turn 35 and look back on their teenage moments they will remember how they pre-ordered a Team Edward t-shirt from your Twilight Fashion collection. Now this image doesn’t disturb me that much. But if she decided to turn it into a pillow like… Continue reading
Thanks Richard :)
I’ve been listening to The Temper Trap like every friggin day thanks to Richard. Nope. Not that Richard, or that Richard. But this Richard. He’s so goddamn fancy.
Oh we learned a lesson
Watching this made me cringe horribly because I’ve been this girl. Totally messed up, obsessed, super emotional and high strung. Completely embarrassing. Hopefully this girl learned to not be such a fucking basket case but typically, it takes about 3-4 episodes like this and a good girlfriend to tell you that you staring at your… Continue reading
You have to respect the commitment to the design…
Lolitas were out in force in SF’s Japan town yesterday. Wikipedia telle me that it really has nothing to do with sexuality. That its just about being cute. Frankly I don’t believe that for a second. Neither did all the 20something guys who were staring wide eyed.