Every time Richard emails me I invariably have something I need to get off my chest. He writes me this last night: [Do you know] how much unrealized bitterness (sadness? regret?) I feel for my parents ordering cable, which came with MTV as well as the Korean channels, and then canceling it once Chicago got… Continue reading
Date Archives → March 2009
The American Dollar – Anything You Synthesize
@ Yahoo! Video Go full screen when you watch this. Indeed one of the most visually stunning videos I’ve seen in a long time.I think I’m feeling deep in love with this band.
I didn't want to go to their friggin parties anyway….
My friend Richard commented on the Addidas video with this: “God, it’s videos like this that remind me how badly I wanted to go to a cool kids house party in HS and college.” Same here. When I was 16 I dreamt of going to cool parties like this: I NEVER got invited to a… Continue reading
I have a sudden urge to buy all things Addidas now
Gee…I wonder why I'm so excited
Oh. God. Yes. The bigger, glorious version that shows every pore of Bale is here
All is well in the world
Kindle for iPhone. I’m so giving up on paper.
Get the box of tissues…you're going to need it
I should know better to watch movies like this on a Saturday morning. Netflix has this description for Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father. Filmmaker Kurt Kuenne’s poignant tribute to his murdered childhood friend, Andrew Bagby, tells the story of a child custody battle between the baby’s grieving grandparents and Shirley… Continue reading