Wouldnt It Be Good – Danny Hutton Hitters ….from the Pretty In Pink Soundtrack of course. Brings me back to the days when I’d hang out at Del Amo Mall eating corn dogs while waiting for my BFF Helen to get out of her job at Tam’s Stationary Store so we could go window shopping… Continue reading
Date Archives → March 2009
Big Hair = HOT
I have a hankering to tease my hair now…
Design Review
I start my new job in the summer and I can only pray that I’ll have discussions like this: Auto Tuning from Casey D on Vimeo.
Now I Understand Why I Never Really Liked Here
My friend Helen just pointed out something to me yesterday, the day of the finale of BSG. (Sob). Ellen Tigh is Benny Hanson. The slutty girl who tortured Andie Walsh (Molly Ringwald) in Pretty in Pink. It was seriously a OMFG moment when it all clicked. Now I understand why from the very beginning of… Continue reading
An American Affair
I have not seen this movie. It could suck and truly I would not care because the entire movie is scored by Dustin O’Halloran. Hell to the yes. I’ve listened to four songs and I’m just dying. It’s so goddamn good.
TV Pain
I’m toying with the idea of turning off cable. Especially since for the past two months I’ve just been watching tv on my Macbook. My husband has a PC and I tried watching Netflix on his computer. It wouldn’t work. Instead it told me I didn’t have the Arial font in the Fonts folder. Excuse… Continue reading
If I watch his every move then he’ll understand that it’s because I love him
This was exactly the sort of song that would inspire me to sit in the parking lot of Fatburger and stalk my ex-boyfriend while he worked the night shift. High school really honed my stalking skills to the point where now… if a girlfriend of mine needs me to check out a guy she’s thinking… Continue reading
Since I don’t listen to the radio that much (unless I’m driving where I only listen to dance dance dance) I don’t really know what good music is out there. I trust my friends advice but lately I’ve been trusting aurgasm. They’re the ones who told me about American Dollar. And now with Aether I’m… Continue reading
I can’t imagine how long it took for this guy to put these together. But they’re so awesome. Youtube Remixes. Basically making jewels out of things that on their own….are kind of crap.
Kevin's Parents Must Be So Proud
If I was 12 years old I’d hate Kevin. Not because he’s so talented. I am clearly amazed at his talents. No… the reason why I wouldn’t like him is because his videos would inspire this conversation between my mother and I: Mom: Why can’t you be good After Effects person like Kevin? Me: I… Continue reading