Seriously. I mean DAMN. My friend Richard said one of Beyonce’s dancers is actually a tranny.Which makes this even more amazing because he looks damn good in a leotard.
Date Archives → October 2008
My Love of Patterns
A friend of mine pointed me to this video Sure it got sponsored by Stride gum but it started by doing something really simple and pure and that’s just beautiful. FYI, this song is sung by Palbasha Siddique (Praan by Garry Schyman) and she’s brilliant. It gives me chills everytime I hear her voice.
Ocean's 12 Laser Dance
Maybe its a girl/gay boy thing but this is by far my favoritest scene from Ocean’s 12. Kourtrajme is fantastic.
Micaya and Emerson
Now anyone who sees me on a daily basis knows I’m quite conservative in look. I don’t wear low cut, muffin topper jeans. I’m not particularly expressive in the frontal chest area. I pretty much have an oxford button down in every color and if an outfit has a particularly J. Crew-ish look to it,… Continue reading
Dustin O’Halloran
Dealing with some mindblowing stuff this week. I’ve been listening to this guy’s two albums and its just wrecking my world right now.
Hey all you Lessig fans
Ok you Lessig-FanBoys (you know who you are). Celebration for his new book is on next Wednesday at 6:30pm at the W Hotel in SF. Come drink, eat and be merry with me and my weird boss. Its free, its the W, its kinda cool. Help me fill up a room of 500 with his… Continue reading
Remembering Where It All Started
Damn, high school sucked royally.
If you’re reading this, and it sounds like you are, check your Yahoo mail. Helen and I have been emailing you.
Dustin O'Halloran
Really loving Piano Solos by Dustin O’Halloran.